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  Título: Algunas lecciones del renacimiento italiano para la búsqueda de la justicia social
Autor: Diego Hidalgo-Oñate y Cristina Zari
Descripción: El renacimiento fue una época de desarrollo económico y cultural. En este ensayo se analiza si esta época de la historia también realizó mejoras desde el punto de vista social y sintetiza las lecciones para la búsqueda de la justicia social.
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 El mercado del carbono Título: El mercado del carbono
Autor: Diego Hidalgo-Oñate
Descripción: El Acuerdo de París implica el compromiso de los países en reducir sus emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. En la práctica, se ha creado el mercado del carbono, para que las empresas contaminantes adquieran certificados de reducción de emisiones certificadas o verificadas, de proyectos ambientales que reducen emisiones. Uno de estos proyectos, son los que se destinan a la reforestación de áreas sin uso agropecuario o forestación con fines comerciales. En este ensayo se analiza el desarrollo de este mercado en crecimiento y sus perspectivas futuras.
Precio: USD 2.99
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 Estrategias de las PYMES rurales en el contexto de la globalización. Estudio de caso: Ecuador. Título: Estrategias de las PYMES rurales en el contexto de la globalización. Estudio de caso: Ecuador.
Autor: En este ensayo, se explora la situación del sector agrícola mundial y del Ecuador en particular y se proponen estrategias para la formación de microempresas rentables y que sean sustentables en el tiempo.
Precio: USD 2.99
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 The honey-bee: its nature, homes and products Título: The honey-bee: its nature, homes and products
Autor: W.H. Harris
Descripción: In these days of intense business pressure, it is a good thing for people to cultivate hobbies. We are sure that comparatively few people know what marvelous creatures bees are; what constant pleasure may be found in watching their work; what opportunities for skillful use of brain and hand are afforded by an apiary; what a wide field of study and information is displayed by these domesticated insects: and though we shall not hold out dazzling prospects of a large return of money from the pursuit we are commending, we shall show by facts that, in ordinary seasons, the yield of honey should amply cover the cost of the bees, their homes, and their requirements.
Precio: USD 2.99
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 The Red Cow and Her Friends Título: The Red Cow and Her Friends
Autor: Peter McArthur
Descripción: Peter McArthur in this book put together some interesting information about cows and some other farm animals including sheep, pigs, turkeys, dogs, cats, and others. This book discusses the nature of these farm animals in an understandable and relatable manner.
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 How to Use your Mind Título: How to Use your Mind
Autor: Harry D. Kitson
Descripción: Educational leaders are seeing with increasing clearness the necessity of teaching students not only the subject matter of study but also methods of study. Teachers are beginning to see that students waste a vast amount of time and form many harmful habits because they do not know how to use their minds. The recognition of this condition is taking the form of the movement toward "supervised study," which attempts to acquaint the student with principles of economy and directness in using his mind. It is generally agreed that there are certain "tricks" which make for mental efficiency, consisting of methods of apperceiving facts, methods of review, and devices for arranging work. Some are the fruits of psychological experimentation; others are derived from experience. Many of them can be imparted by instruction, and it is for the purpose of systematizing these and making them available for students that this book is prepared.
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 The Mind and its Education Título: The Mind and its Education
Autor: George H. Betts
Descripción: We are to study the mind and its education; but how? It is easy to understand how we may investigate the great world of material things about us; for we can see it, touch it, weigh it, or measure it. But how are we to discover the nature of the mind, or come to know the processes by which consciousness works? For mind is intangible; we cannot see it, feel it, taste it, or handle it. Mind belongs not to the realm of matter which is known to the senses, but to the realm of spirit, which the senses can never grasp. And yet the mind can be known and studied as truly and as scientifically as can the world of matter.
Precio: USD 2.99
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 Dark Clouds in Germany´s Climate Policy Título: Dark Clouds in Germany´s Climate Policy
Autor: Diego Hidalgo-Oñate
Descripción: This essay unveil the cognitive disonance that appears in the Germany´s climate policy. The aim is to criticize the increase of the use of hidrocarbons as a main source of energy which is opossed to the ecological economics framework.
Precio: USD 2.99
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 Perforación con tubería de revestimiento en la construcción del hoyo superficial en campos petroleros Título: Perforación con tubería de revestimiento en la construcción del hoyo superficial en campos petroleros
Autor: Yunelvis Pérez y Kelly Rodríguez
Descripción: El presente estudio estuvo dirigido a analizar la perforación con tubería de revestimiento en la construcción del hoyo superficial en campos petroleros en el Municipio Lagunillas.
Precio: USD 2.99
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 Psychology of Extreme Decisions Título: Psychology of Extreme Decisions
Autor: Cervantes Digital
Descripción: Embark on a captivating journey into the enigmatic world of decision-making under the most intense circumstances. "Psychology of Extreme Decisions" is a thought-provoking exploration that delves deep into the heart of the human psyche when faced with life-altering choices. From the frigid expanses of Antarctica to the heart-pounding tension of aircraft emergencies, this book unveils the intricate dance between our minds and the crucible of extreme situations.
Precio: USD 8.99
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